Breville 8080 OneTouch Home Garden

Breville 8080 OneTouch Home Garden

Published On: 7/28/24, 08:34

Author: Julian Bleecker

Contributor: Oisin Muircheartaigh

Illustration: Oisin Muircheartaigh

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Breville 8080 OneTouch Home Garden


A home garden with integral BrevilleIntelligence capabilities to optimize nutrients, hydro-biometric flows. Optimized exposure therapies manage internal visual sensors to manage growth rates so as to deliver the most nutritous, boutiful home farm vegetables.

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Breville OneTouch 8080
Your family's green grocer now comes in four colors.
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The Breville OneTouch 8080 is like having a farm in your kitchen. With the largest yields of any comparable unit of its size and energy density, the OneTouch 8080 can produce one metric garden box a week of your favorite leafy greens, root vegetables, vegetative edibles — even edible biomass for your pets.
PhyoChemPacks available for phytochemical-based grows including Carotenoids such as lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, Flavonoids such as quercetin, catechins, and anthocyanins, and most Phenolic Acids such as ferulic acid (where allowed by law), caffeic acid and Phytoestrogens including isoflavones, lignans.
Compatible with most licensed Alkaloid-based grow adaptive cartridges for controlled alkaloids such as caffeine and capsaicin.
Compatible with 3M, Patagonia, Unilever, Nabisco, Breyers, Taster's Choice, Hochler, H-P, Brother and many more second- and third-party certified seed cartridges — or pack your own with the Breville 1290 Hand Loader and our biorefab cartridge blanks. Contact your dealer direct for details, purchasing requirements, delivery, and availability.

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Terms: LPU, Optical Module, and associated LLMs in soft, firm, and hardware form are non-exportable and intended solely for in-home use for the purposes of the growth and maintenance of

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Nomenclature: Available in Slate, Slate Dark, Stainless, and White Gloss. BrevilleNet requires minimum Llama-38T with backflow egress sump configuration and integration with suitable FDAA approved diagnostic, security, and maintenance package and associated agreements or such as may be compatible with your food safety and health requirements where you reside or wherein Breville OneTouch 8080 is installed and operated or food quality/safety may be compromised. See your installer for details and any additional required configurations.
We use Sony Smart Optics systems for growth performance assay and optimization. You may opt-in to have fully anonymized data from your unit(s) contributed to and circulated amongst networks of NGOs, GOs and private organizations used solely for the purposes of determining global nutrition density of staple edible vegetables.

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