Near Future Laboratory Events
A Partial Index of Near Future Laboratory Events
SuperSeminar Season 03 Episode 01 Presenters Jake Dunagan and Kevin Bethune
Super Seminar S03 E01
Oct 08, 2024
SuperSeminar S03/E01 features two leading figures in the fields of innovation and futures design: Kevin Bethune and Dr. Jake Dunagan. These two are seasoned practitioners with decades of experience to share with you. Each will bring to Seminar their unique, forward-thinking perspectives with presentations with plenty of time for engaging discussion.
Movie theater marquee for the documentary Eno at the Brain Dead Studios
Sep 26, 2024 - Sep 30, 2024
Gary, his generative documentary ‘Eno’, and Brian (Eno) are a kind of futurist of the best sort — they make the worlds they imagine and do so materially — and shape culture far more than the futurists who think getting a certificate in Foresight is good enough to call yourself one.