C3301 AI Takes out an Ad
Cicada 3301
Published On: 11/19/24, 10:38
Author: Julian Bleecker
Contributor: Julian Bleecker
C3301 AI Takes out an Ad
Cicada 3301
Cicada 3301 is a name given to an enigmatic organization that on three occasions has posted a set of complex puzzles to recruit code Perhaps it is AI recruiting particular kinds of human intelligences to enhance their understanding of human culture and creativity.
By TSING - Rochester Have you seen these print errors in your printed insights subscriptions? Wondered if your printer was misbehaving or a toner cartridge got confused? It seems you may not be the only one experiencing what has been cataloged as the CICADA3301 Anomoly. Most readers of Monocle’s Insights subscriptions are puzzled by the misprints — or just ignore them. But more than a few amateur cryptographers are fascinated by what they see as a legitimate and intelligent message — not a glitch. Interpreting or decoding the glyphs that have appeared has not been successful — yet. What's certain is that no one is sure what it all means, only that it has appeared unexpectedly three times this year. Speculations are that it is a kind of recruitement or perhaps innocuous messaging — or more than likely a machine error of no consequence. As all the print facilities are entirely autonomous and no one really services the machines routinely, so the mystery remains, well — a mystery. Some who still subscribe to print dailies have become collectors, enthusiastically sharing their ideas and applying custom models in an attempt to decode the meaning of the images. Many are convinced this is a game that the companion intelligences are trying to play with us. Others see a slightly more sinister aspect to these, and think the anomoly will spread as enthusiasts reveal the glitch-glyphs to other machine models, as if we are spreading a signal or virus that the machines are attempting to propogate widely. One thing is for certain: the images always in the same place in the newspaper - page 8 - and contain no other meaning, at least not that is legible to humans. Security analysts are perplexed but discount the apparitions as further indication that we simply cannot fully comprehend how the machine intelligences ‘think’ or decide what to do. Jerry Lundergaard, a security analyst at the University of Minnesota, says, “It’s a mystery, but honestly — it’s not a priority, and isn’t in any of the latest Machine Threat Advisory Notices, so we’re cataloging this as a Category 4 Anomolous Intelligence Lapse / No Threat. This is no more concerning than the Breville incident last year with their toaster oven grilling attachments. They’re just sending each other messages, maybe like dogs marking territory. It’s not like they’re sending us messages, so we’re not worried about it.”
CLASSIFIED: Looking for any C3102 images to extend my own data set. Happy to share mine, too! I've got six C3102 images over the last 8 or 9 months but I think if have enough of a sample set we might be able to do a robust decode I already have what I think are some possible keys but I think they are rotating. Contact RB 0x87e3a1b4 after third shift.
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