Food, Drug & Algorithm Administration (FDAA)

Food, Drug & Algorithm Administration (FDAA)

Published On: 12/6/24, 12:04

Author: Julian Bleecker

Contributor: Julian Bleecker

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Food, Drug & Algorithm Administration (FDAA)


A policy implication in the form of an allusion/implication of a government agency called the Food, Drug & Algorithm Administration (FDAA). The FDAA is a fictional government agency that is responsible for the regulation of algorithms in the same way that the FDA regulates food and drugs. The FDAA is a speculative design fiction artifact that is intended to provoke thought and discussion about the potential future of algorithm regulation and the implications of algorithmic decision-making on society. This might be responsible for certifying algorithms in the old sense of ‘Algorithmic Fairness’ and ‘Algorithmic Accountability’ and what algorithm meant in a structured sense of a procedure that can be understood according to rules that programming used to be but such that in the world of AI it certifies models by some means. What was the old meaning of algorithm in computer science? Data plus a procedure. What is the new meaning of algorithm in AI? Data plus a model?

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WARNING: May cause redness or soreness around the eyes, headache, twitchiness, nervous or compulsive or repetitive actions, restlessness, panic, paranoia, persistent repetitive viewing of noxious or disturbing imagery, clinical addiction to this or associated end-points, agitation, restiveness, depression, irritation, solomness, lack of sleep, generalized anxiety disorder, paranoia, a sense of infallible judgment, a sense of superiority and/or righteousness in ones beliefs, a profound tendency to see truth in mendacity, severing of familial relations. NOTICE: CLASS-C Algorithm is Geo-Modulative: Its behavior modification properties and resultant Neurological and Psychological after effects May Be Different depending on what country, state or county your exposure occurs. NOTICE: This CLASS-C Algorithm may not operate on some networks and in some countries. NOTICE: This CLASS-C Algorithm may be Temporarily Suspended under certain circumstances as prescribed by local law. Avoid Exposure while driving or walking, while eating, before sleep or immediately after waking from sleep. Avoid Exposure if you will be or have been involved In any decision making of significance. Avoid Exposure before or while operating heavy machinery, including firearms. Limit Exposure to not more than 15 minutes between 45 minute of non-exposure, or as specifically prescribed by a licensed physician or licensed mental health professional. CAUTION: Exposure to this CLASS-C Algorithm by those under the age of 21 may be illegal in your jurisdiction. Consult local trusted .GOV authorities or your healthcare provider for recommendations and clarifications.

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The Food, Drug & Algorithm Administration (FDAA) would like to remind you that the CLASS-C Algorithm you are using is a regulated interlink. By using this CLASS-C Algorithm you may be subject to the following: disregulated behavior modification, classic confused ear syndrome, a sense of infallibility, agentic attachment disorder, dissonance induced cognitive divergence, precognitive immateriality syndrome, peptide imbalance, and near field augmented psychoreactive failures. Other side effects may occur. Use this algorithm, agent interlink, or model only as directed by your licensed mental health professional or licensed physician. Do not use this CLASS-C Algorithm if you are pregnant, nursing, or may become pregnant. Do not use this CLASS-C Algorithm if you are taking any other medications or have a history of mental health disorders. Do not use this CLASS-C Algorithm if you are operating heavy machinery or firearms. Do not use this CLASS-C Algorithm if you find yourself in a situation where you are making decisions of significance. Do not use this CLASS-C Algorithm under circumstances where you may be find yourself alone for extended periods of time. Other considerations may be necessary. Consult your licensed mental health professional human or trusted non-human intelligence or licensed physician for more information.

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WARNING: May cause redness or soreness around the eyes, headache, twitchiness, nervous or compulsive or repetitive actions, restlessness, panic, paranoia, persistent repetitive viewing of noxious or disturbing imagery, clinical addiction to this or associated end-points, agitation, restiveness, depression, irritation, solomness, lack of sleep, generalized anxiety disorder, paranoia, a sense of infallible judgment, a sense of superiority and/or righteousness in ones beliefs, a profound tendency to see truth in mendacity, severing of familial relations. NOTICE: CLASS-C Algorithm is Geo-Modulative: Its behavior modification properties and resultant Neurological and Psychological after effects May Be Different depending on what country, state or county your exposure occurs. NOTICE: This CLASS-C Algorithm may not operate on some networks and in some countries. NOTICE: This CLASS-C Algorithm may be Temporarily Suspended under certain circumstances as prescribed by local law. Avoid Exposure while driving or walking, while eating, before sleep or immediately after waking from sleep. Avoid Exposure if you will be or have been involved In any decision making of significance. Avoid Exposure before or while operating heavy machinery, including firearms. Limit Exposure to not more than 15 minutes between 45 minute of non-exposure, or as specifically prescribed by a licensed physician or licensed mental health professional. CAUTION: Exposure to this CLASS-C Algorithm by those under the age of 21 may be illegal in your jurisdiction. Consult local trusted .GOV authorities or your healthcare provider for recommendations and clarifications.

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