Machine Intelligence Insurance

Published On: Friday, August 9, 2024 at 19:38:09 PDT

Updated On: Friday, August 9, 2024 at 19:38:09 PDT

Author: Julian Bleecker

Contributor: Julian Bleecker

aimagazinedesign fiction
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(( forthcoming ))

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Protect yourself from false, misleading, hallucinating intelligences with machine intelligence insurance.


How do you mitigate against misleading intelligences?

No Additional Details.

AI Insurance

..but your Fortune letter opposing SB-1047 seems off the mark to me, in part because it doesn’t fit my understanding of what SB-1047 actually calls for, and in part because it does too little by way of offering a legitimate alternative.**

Here are some of my concerns:

Lastly, asking for standards (and a degree of care) is not unique to AI; it’s common across many industries to ask that companies evaluate the safety of their products according to set standards: just look at the pharmaceutical industry, or aviation, automobiles, etc.  As Bengio, Russell, Hinton, and Lessig observed, “There are fewer regulations on AI systems that could pose catastrophic risks than on sandwich shops or hairdressers.”

Your letter doesn’t really grapple with this.

I’m sure that your argument against SB-1047 was made in good faith, and with the best of intentions. But as noted above there seem to be some inaccuracies in your essay, and I wonder if you would be willing to reconsider in light of these clarifications.

Best regards,


Professor Emeritus, New York University

Founder and CEO, Geometric Intelligence (acquired by Uber)**