Sony Humanity Verifier Crypter

Sony Humanity Verifier Crypter

Published On: 11/22/24, 18:36

Author: Julian Bleecker

Contributor: Julian Bleecker

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Sony Humanity Verifier Crypter


The Orb is a custom biometric imaging device developed by Tools for Humanity to provide global, equitable access to Worldcoin via the World ID protocol. It is designed to be simple, universal, and secure. One of its most immediately notable characteristics is its subtly familiar tilt: 23.5 degrees, the same degree at which the Earth is tilted relative to its orbital plane around the sun. This design choice was intentional. It’s part of what Thomas Meyerhoffer, lead designer of the Orb, refers to as the device’s necessary universality. If that name sounds familiar, it’s likely because Meyerhoffer was the first hire made by Jony Ive, legendary Chief Design Officer of Apple, Inc. His designs have directly influenced everything from iMacs to surfboards and many other products used and trusted by millions of people every day.

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The Sony HV/Crypter in Pearl is the latest in Sony's most elegant line of verifiers. Like all of Sony's Crypter line, the elegance and beauty of the design makes it hard to ignore, and something that accessorizes well for any occasions. When you need to verify your humanity with elegance and panache, the Sony HV/Crypter in Pearl is the perfect choice.

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