Surplus and 'New-Used' Turing Clamps
Many MFI Certified
Published On: 7/3/24, 18:31
Author: Julian Bleecker
Contributor: Julian Bleecker
Surplus and 'New-Used' Turing Clamps
Many MFI Certified
What are the USB/HDMI/ dongles in a world of AI agents, portable devices. Something that someone surpresses language model and Near AGI kinetics
Wide variety of units including Bechtel, Raytheon, National Semiconductor, Rohm, Arup, Near Future Laboratory, CodexCo, J&R, Bosch, TRW, Bendix, ADM, 'Made for WalMart', Applied Sensemaking, SaaP and more.
Interfaces vary from standard RDO1308 Shunts, Isolated Knowledge Transformers, Indirect Hall Effect Couplers, Rogowski Coils, LMU Magnetoresistive Dielectrics, and some direct Kaptan Tape Governors.
Our store room is open from 8a-8p most days, and Saturdays after third shift.