A Deep Dive Into A Design Fiction Archetype
A Deep Dive Into A Design Fiction Archetype

Contributed By: Julian Bleecker

Published On: Apr 16, 2023, 09:34:55 PDT

the design fiction archetype
Join nearly 19,000 members connecting art, product, design, technology, and futures.

Let’s pause for a brief announcement from our station manager, which is this: this Wed April 19th I will be hosting a Design Fiction Debrief — a deep-dive, teardown, after-action report, project assessment, if you will. This is a seminar-like session, with an opportunity to AMA, where I will describe in detail an actual, real-world Design Fiction project. We will dive into the depths of how the Near Future Laboratory does Design Fiction. (Remember, we literally wrote the book on Design Fiction and it’s literally called ‘The Manual of Design Fiction’ so..there..)

In this Design Fiction Debrief, we’ll go behind-the-scenes to see how we created an immersive futures context of a world of autonomous vehicles and how we used one of the most effective Design Fiction Archetypes — a Magazine from the Future.

Please join me on April 19th at 9a PDT and-or 3p PDT on a deep-dive into an actual Design Fiction project and see how Design Fiction helped a real-world client gain an immense level of foresight into the future of autonomous vehicles.

Can’t make it? Not ready for the Debrief? Want to find out more about how you and your team can obtain some real value from using this activating strategy to help navigate your possible futures with this Magazine from the Future business? Let’s talk. Operators are standing by.

​​For collaborations, projects, workshops, speaking, and general inquiries use the form below, or email: info@nearfuturelaboratory.com
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