Contributed By: Julian Bleecker
Published On: Saturday, January 13, 2024 at 08:59:32 PST
Two projects are in the air.
Project Dryden Project Dryden is the translation of possible energy futures for a company in the energy sector through the Design Fiction ‘annual report’ transformer. It will work roughly like this:
Why is this useful to the Project Dryden team? Simple: Designing and creating an Annual Report, but one that is from a possible future is an effective planning and contingency tool. It’s like Red Teaming your future. It provides a container into which you can represent your ambitions. And it is a physical, tangible artifact that can be used to measure one’s performance against. It sits on a shelf and reminds you everyday what your business hypothesis is, what success looks like, and what the challenges you might face look like — and how you would respond to them. It’s like SWOT Analysis only more engaging, more thorough, and more fun.
Project Outersense This one is a fairly public self-organized project to create a Magazine from an AI Future. I’ve railed on about this. I created a draft proposal that I’ve been circulating. I’d “just do it” on my own, but I think this should be funded by committed and concerned stakeholders within the AI space because it has value beyond my own real drive and motivation to create artifacts from possible futures.