The Work Kit of Design Fiction Show
The Work Kit of Design Fiction Show
A screenshot of the online edition of The Work Kit of Design
Imagination Unlocks Greatness

Contributed By: Julian Bleecker

Published On: Jun 18, 2024, 11:48:44 PDT

Updated On: Jun 18, 2024, 11:48:44 PDT

the work kit of design fiction
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Check out this show 👆🏽 in which Dré Labre and I run through using using The Work Kit of Design Fiction in a one show that seemingly never got picked up after the Pilot Episode!

Dré Labre and I used the Work Kit of Design Fiction in a pilot episode of a show. I don't think we ever expected that the show would have multiple episodes, but it's fun to think that it could. P.S. There's an online edition now! Why do I blog this? 
I stumbled back across this video and thought I should canonize it by posting it. Plus, the last few boxes of The Work Kit of Design Fiction are going out the door soon! Time to memorialize this particular edition of a project I've been doing since 2012!