Shaping Viable Futures: Human Agency and Artificial Intelligence
An Expert Panel Discussion
Contributed By: Julian Bleecker
Published On: Dec 8, 2024, 22:53:42 PST
An expert panel discussion on the evolving relationship between human agency and technology, exploring the implications of AI systems on society and the role of ethics, imagination, and policy in shaping viable futures. Held at The British Academy, London in collaboration with Google DeepMind, the Science, Technology, and Social Values Lab at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, and the AI Policy and Governance Working Group. Moderated by Prof. Alonda Nelson, this expert panel will wander into the questions, hopes, fears, dreads, dreams, and desires of our evolving relationships amongst our own human agency and that of the technologies being deployed right now. We will consider how we might careful balance the ways by which AI systems may augment our capabilities, while preserving transparency and accountability, and maintaining a meaningful alignment with the values and norms that undergird the cultures we wish to inhabit.