Phil Balagtas is Making Futures Work
Phil Balagtas is Making Futures Work
Near Future Laboratory Podcast Episode 095 cover art

Contributed By: Julian Bleecker

Post Reference Date: Mar 15, 2025, 09:32:58 PDT

Published On: Mar 15, 2025, 09:32:58 PDT

Updated On: Mar 15, 2025, 09:32:58 PDT

Episode 095 of the podcast is up! A coffee table conversation with futures guy, author, creative leader, and all-around good guy Phil Balagtas. We discuss his new book “Making Futures Work” and the challenges and triumphs of writing an all-encompassing book on futures practice, exploring the evolution of speculative design and the importance of imagination as a critical element in futures work.
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Listen to the latest episode of the Near Future Laboratory Podcast where Phil Balagtas and I discuss the challenges and triumphs of writing an all-encompassing book on futures practice, exploring the evolution of speculative design and the importance of imagination as a critical element in futures work. Phil shares his experiences from initial concept to publication, the personal and professional obstacles, and the intricate process of curating a methodologically rich and visually engaging text. We discuss the collaborative nature of futures work, the delicate balance of practicality and creativity, and the potential of immersive experiences to enhance learning and engagement in futures studies. Imagination, much like a muscle, needs to be exercised and nurtured through diverse techniques and collaborative efforts.

Phil's ”Making Futures Work” is a deep dive into the worlds of futures-oriented practices, a comprehensive catalog of approaches, methodologies, and tools designed to empower individuals and organizations to envision and shape potential futures with clarity and purpose. I can see this book serving as a foundational resource going forward for practitioners seeking to integrate foresight into their strategic planning and innovation processes. One can hope that this will ultimately lead to more informed and resilient decision-making across domains — not just in "tech" (whatever that is these days). And it sure feels like we could use more informed and resilient decision-making these days. In an increasingly complex and unpredictable landscape, the insights offered in this book will be invaluable not only for navigating challenges but also for seizing opportunities that lie ahead.