Project Summary
Causal Islands is about bringing together experts and enthusiasts from many different backgrounds and sharing and learning together. We are creative technologists, researchers, and builders, exploring what the future of computing can be. The LA community edition on Saturday, March 23rd, 2024 has themes of building and running networks together, exploring the future through creativity and poetics of computing, tools for thought and other interfaces for human knowledge, emerging and rethinking social networks, generative AI as a humane tool for people, and the journey of building a more distributed web.
Client: Fission Codes
Client URL:
Team: Near Future Laboratory
Project Year: 2024
Event On: Mar 1, 2024
Published On: Mar 23, 2024, 11:21
Updated On: Apr 13, 2024, 12:02
Written By: Julian Bleecker
The Project
This talk, The Future of Computing is Fiction, presents a brief overview of Design Fiction and reveals how Design Fiction can serve as an approach for envisioning possible futures of computing. Through the creation of tangible artifacts that imply adjacent possible trajectories for computing's futures, Design Fiction allows us to materialize the intangible, make the non-sensical make sense, and imbue these possibilities with ambitions, desires, and dreams of what-could be. Design Fiction allows us to represent challenges, and technological trajectories in grounded form, through the powerful Design Fiction artifact, such as advertisements, magazines, quick-start guides, FAQs, and news stories. In this talk I will briefly describe the methodologies of Design Fiction and the ways it has been used by organizations, teams, and brands to project into possible futures. I will showcase how speculative artifacts, such as industrial designs for new computing platforms or advertisements for future services, act as conduits for discussion and reflection on the evolution of computing. See the associated blog post here.
The Outcomes
Great discussions around the topic in a relaxed context with generous people.