✓ How might GenAI revolutionize the way we integrate the suite of products within the █▛▞▗▃▍░▟ Ecosystem (photos, ▃▛▞▗▍░▟, ░▛▞▗▃▍█▟ ▗▃▍█▛░▞▟, █▞▗▃▍▛█▛▟ ▟▟, ▚▝▔▕▎▓▚, ▛▞▓▗▃▍█, Maps, Travel, Shopping, etc) into TV?
✓ What are some of the ways GenAI might be used to further expand ▛█▛▟ ▟▟▝▨▬▙‘s reach in our cross surface product portfolio i.e., mobile, tablet, and TV?
✓ What role does ‘generation’ play in a highly constrained, consumption device like television? Are there new interaction models that can aid making input easier?
✓ How does the ‘new tech’ jive with ‘old school needs’? What would a ‘low tech’, ‘regular joe’ do with GenAI?
✓ How can GenAI help fill gaps for a broader range of users? e.g., translation for every language internationally, having a virtual sign language interpreter.
✓ Are the proposed capabilities, tools, and products giving agency to our users?
✓ Can AI have a personality? If so, what would it be? How would it act?
This was a full-day on-site workshop and design sprint meant with a range of participants both internal and external domain and endemic experts. The intent was to provide the client with a large number of considered and grounded concepts to prototype and explore the adjacent possible opportunities, to ideate beyond the confines of internal considerations, and to imagine more expansively as to what GenAI + TV could become.