Netflix The Future Of..
Netflix The Future Of..
How will technology affect the basic aspects of our lives in the future.
A photo on the set recording for Netflix Future Of
Covid Time Remote Recording!

Project Summary

Netflix Future Of is a fun, light, entertaining show asking about the future of everything from gaming and dating, to life after death. I participated as a talking head futures expert. They did spring the dating topic on me though, for which I cannot claim much notable expertise. Pure entertainment. Fun to talk and chat and see what comes out in the edit.

Client: Netflix

Client URL:

Team: Near Future Laboratory

Project Year: 2021

Project Duration: 1 Week

Published On: Jun 8, 2024, 13:09

Updated On: Jul 16, 2024, 17:26

Written By: Julian Bleecker


The Project

Netflix Future Of is a fun, light, entertaining show asking about the future of everything from gaming and dating, to life after death. I participated as a talking head futures expert. They did spring the dating topic on me though, for which I cannot claim much notable expertise. Pure entertainment. Fun to talk and chat and see what comes out in the edit.

The Outcomes

Great opportunity to try and show how a futures-oriented mindset can be both nerdy, and entertaining. While this show didn't take itself too seriously at all, the idea of a 'Future Of..' episodic was too compelling to decline.

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Netflix Future Of Cover Image
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