charms labs speculation models
Published On: 11/30/24, 08:07
Author: Julian Bleecker
Contributor: Julian Bleecker
charms labs speculation models
Imagine in some speculative future that this evolution comes to pass. Without overindexing on the story about the Charms company becoming a maker of speculative spiritual intelligence models, what might be a long form journalistic article accounting on the widespread adoption of intelligences for more spiritual purposes rather than as utility devices. Called 'contrivances' and 'correspondences' — these new purpose-built models have confused some of the early developers and companies like OpenAI, Google DeepMind, X-AI, Anthropic are scrambling to adapt to these new consumer-based contexts. It reminds people of when early computers like the Apple II and TRS-80 were positioned as ways to balance the family checkbook and database cooking recipes. What really happened is that 'the street found its uses' — it was the adoption that came from the driving motivation of real people finding real uses that were meaningful to them — not to the tech companies, which were better suited to building platforms rather than what they imagined were solutions to the needs of people and practices that their way of structuring, comprehending, and making sense of the world was not at all suited.
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