ChaunceyLM 📚 Reads!

ChaunceyLM 📚 Reads!

The Classics For Young Adults - Read By ChaunceyLM

Published On: 6/26/24, 07:20

Author: Julian Bleecker

Contributor: Julian Bleecker

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ChaunceyLM 📚 Reads!


The Classics For Young Adults - Read By ChaunceyLM


An LLM that knows all of the literary young adult 'Classics' — and more. Allows parents, care-givers, and teachers (where allowed) to introduce the YA's in their charge to be introduced to the stories we all remember and love, where life's lessons are learned through the allegorical and narrative power of 'The Book'. Allows you to adjust the type and implied meaning of Huck and his Father, and Jim. Imagine the wonder of hearing Hamlet made legible in its transposition to an animal allegory read in German.
Small fun illustration. Simple text under with short description. QR code and URL for 'Do You Want To Know More?'

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ChaunceyLM Reads! The Classics For Young Adults - Read By ChaunceyLM

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An LLM that knows all of the literary young adult 'Classics' — and more. Allows parents, care-givers, and teachers (where allowed) to introduce the YA's in their charge to be introduced to the stories we all remember and love, where life's lessons are learned through the allegorical and narrative power of what we once called a 'book'. Adjust the type, syntax, idioms, and implied meaning of Huck and his Father, and Jim. Imagine the wonder of hearing Hamlet made legible in its transposition to an animal allegory read in German.
'Do You Want To Learn More?'

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