Pocket School Learning Academy Furniture

Pocket School Learning Academy Furniture

Published On: 10/28/24, 08:32

Author: Julian Bleecker

Contributor: Julian Bleecker

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Pocket School Learning Academy Furniture


Bedroom furniture that is a pocket school / learning academy at home. Education has moved to the home. This does not preclude f2f learning, but now 'f2f' is also meant to include telepresence, which has now come back as it is a different idiom than 'virtual reality' which attained bad connotations of escapism. Same thing, different idiom. There are also mechanics of these AI-based pocket schools that connect with nearby kids so you can have MeetUps for integrative play in the real world, monitored non-invasively so parents/guardians are able to keep track of what kids are doing and where. These integrative/entangled experiences are created, organized, facilitate by their AI in their 'pocket' so when you go on a field trip, the experience is one in which the AI is a guardian and docent. Perhaps it is embodied drone-like in some fashion, although this tips into a weird kind of notion and I cannot help but think about battery life and such pragmatics.

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