Near Future Laboratory BlogNear Future Laboratory
Near Future Laboratory Blog
Near Future Laboratory Global HQ
Imagine Worlds Like Philip K. Dick
Jul 26, 2024
Imagine giving a consumer electronics company executive a copy of VALIS or Ubik and saying, “Your design brief is between pages 16-48, but I recommend reading this cover to cover..I’d like to manufacture the artifact on page 24, eventually at scale..I’ll need 1,000 units in 9 months to do some...
imagine harderscience-fictionspeculative fictiondesign fictionp.k. dick
Near Future Laboratory Global HQ
Design is a Method of Action
Jul 23, 2024
In October of 2012, a multidisciplinary group of artists, engineers, designers, and speculators spent three days in Detroit to “do” science fiction: tangle up in fact and fiction and engage in curious crosstalk about the things that could be. The goal, then, was to Design Fiction and turn talk into...
design fictionmethodmethodologyvideo
Near Future Laboratory Podcast Episode 090 Cover Image
Episode 090 — Kyle Ng
Jul 22, 2024
An Inside Look at Creativity and Innovation with Julian Bleecker and Kyle Ng
Near Future Laboratory Global HQ
The Future Never Gets Old
Jul 21, 2024
Design Fiction mingles amongst science fiction, imagination, real-world technology, cultural practices, and audaciously influences popular culture and future technologies. This essay by Emmet Byrne and Susannah Schouweiler highlights the symbiotic relationship between design, science fiction, and the creative process, making the future more tangible and shaping it through rigorous design...
design fictionessay
Gartner Futures Lab Podcast
Gartner Futures Lab Podcast
Jul 14, 2024
Communicating future scenarios is often very difficult, but Design Fiction offers an effective tool for meeting that challenge. In this episode of Gartner Futures Lab, we discuss how IT leaders should use design to create tangible and evocative prototypes that inspire conversations about plausible futures.
podcastdesign fiction
Near Future Laboratory Global HQ
Shaun Au Takes Notes In The Manual of Design Fiction
Jul 01, 2024
Beautiful visual notations inscribed by Shaun Au in The Manual of Design Fiction
the manual of design fictionillustration
Near Future Laboratory Global HQ,
Gabby Morris' Grounded Wisdom Tarot Deck
Jun 25, 2024
Grounded Wisdom is a unique tarot card deck that bridges design, ecology, and mysticism. Inspired by 20th-century modernist farming posters, these cards serve as a creative toolkit for designers and eco-conscious individuals, exploring the symbiotic relationship between soil and life. Each card offers questions that spark holistic, regenerative design thinking...
ideation cards
Cover art for Near Future Laboratory Podcast Episode 089 with Silvo Lorusso
Podcast Episode 089
Jun 22, 2024
Episode 089 of the Near Future Laboratory Podcast is an in-depth conversation with guest Silvio Lorusso, a designer, artist, and writer based in Lisbon. Our discussion centers around the complex relationship between design, disillusionment, and the evolving role of design in society, as Silvio has articulated in his recent book...
Julian Bleecker with Tyler The Creator
If You're Proud of Your Work, Promote TF Out of Your Work
Jun 18, 2024
Why is it a struggle for creatives to self-promote their hard work? I should say 'some' creatives. Perhaps I should say 'most'? Tyler the Creator's bewilderment at why creators shy away from promoting their work, was a poignant consideration of this challenge, and was shared in a post by Yancey...
metalabelcreative consciousnessself-promotioncreativity
The Work Kit of Design Fiction Show Youtube Cover Image
The Work Kit of Design Fiction Show
Jun 18, 2024
the work kit of design fiction
work kitmethodsideation cardsvideo
Tech Concept Lab Hyper Island Ericsson Consumer Lab Design Fiction Design Sprint
Tech Concept Lab, Ericsson Consumer Lab, Hyper Island Design Fiction Sprint
May 24, 2024
A 24 hour Design Fiction Sprint to Imagine Possible AI Futures Artifacts
design fictiondesign sprintartificial intelligencetalkcoachingfacilitation
Cover image for Episode 088 of the Near Future Laboratory Podcast
Episode 088 - School of the Possible with Dave Gray
May 08, 2024
..There's no question in my mind that you could create a whole community just around collecting rocks that look like shoes. If you start putting your passion onto the Internet, you're going to attract other people who have similar interests. It's a wonderful machine for that. Or it's a ecology...
podcastcreative consciousnesscreativity
Design Meets Design Fiction Poster Art
Design Meets Design Fiction: Exploring the Intersection of Science Fiction & Design
Apr 13, 2024
Design Meets is a Toronto-based and online event about people getting together and sharing their ideas. This presentation by Julian Bleecker will present Design Fiction, a design-led approach to augmenting analytic research by grounding the implications of research into tangible, relatable artifacts.
presentationtalkDesign Fiction
A mirror collage of Joaquin Phoenix's character Theodore looking glum in the Spike Jonze film 'Her' (2013)
Here Be Angels
Apr 23, 2024
A short essay on the complexity of the relationship between creativity and commercialism in design, highlighting the need for a collaborative approach between creativity (design, as a catch-all) and structure ('the business') as a strategy for earthly survival.
creative consciousnessrational consciousnessimaginationessay
An inviting mountain fire road leading to mountains of creativity
Creative Vitality Summit 2024
Apr 03, 2024
creative vitality summit 2024
creative economycreative practicepanelartificial intelligencevideosummitpanel
Design Fiction at Causal Islands LA
Causal Island LA
Mar 25, 2024
Causal Islands is about bringing together experts and enthusiasts from many different backgrounds and sharing and learning together. We are creative technologists, researchers, and builders, exploring what the future of computing can be. The LA community edition on Saturday, March 23rd, 2024 has themes of building and running networks together,...
Take it easy
Digests of General Seminar S05/E01
Mar 21, 2024
artificial intelligence in the future as seen throgu
artificial intelligencegeneral seminarvideo
Logo for the North of Patient Podcast
North of Patient Podcast
Mar 21, 2024
North of Patient aims to paint an inspired landscape of healthcare's future through dialogues with creative and unconventional thinkers globally.
podcastdesign fictionfutures designhealthcarevideo
A sheet of stickers of street signs from the future
(Street) Signs of Change - A Design Fiction Workshop at SxSW 2024
Mar 12, 2024
Signs of change workshop at SxSW South by Southwest 2024 where we use Design Fiction to imagine the implications of change using the typical street sign as the grounding artifact, or as an archetype that helps with the hard work of imagining change.
Design FictionarchetypeworkshopUrban Design
Event Poster for General Seminar S05 E01
What's for Breakfast in an AI Future?
Mar 07, 2024
Let's use Design Fiction to wonder what might be for breakfast in a future in which AI is as normal, ordinary, and everyday as 10 minute pizza delivery and wheels on luggage and the other benefits brought by technology innovation? Join us for General Seminar where we will be discussing...
design fictiongeneral seminarevents
Wardriving/walking in Manhattan for the PsyGeoConflux event in 2004
Mar 02, 2024
Julian Bleecker combines OpenAI and ElevenLabs to generate an AI created daily poem, blending technology with creativity and design fiction sensibilities with a hint of psychogeography.
Artificial IntelligenceprogrammingOpenAIChatGPTElevenLabsAudioDesign FictionPsychogeographyvideo
Design Fiction
Chapman University Bensussen Lecture in the Arts
Feb 29, 2024
Julian Bleecker, BSEE, MSEng, Ph.D. visited Chapman University on February 28, 2024, to deliver the annual Bensussen Lecture in the Arts Series, invited by Professor Justin St. P. Walsh. The visit included engaging with students and faculty who have integrated Design Fiction into their curriculum, demonstrating the impact of Near...
lecturekeynotedesign fiction
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W7 2024
Feb 25, 2024
Week 7 of 2024 at the Near Future Laboratory from the Discord. Highlights include advancements in artificial intelligence in healthcare, ethical AI licensing, speculative design fiction, innovative product design narratives, and the latest on critical and emerging technologies. It was a week filled with thought-provoking content on AI, design fiction,...
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Enhancing Your Product Decision Making Abilities
Feb 23, 2024
enhancing your product decision making abilities
videoartificial intelligence
Take it easy
ARUP's Little Future Vision Film Abundance
Feb 20, 2024
arup abundance lil film
videofilmsci-fifuture vision
Cover Image for Near Future Laboratory Podcast Episode 084 - Emergency Broadcast! Thrilling Wonder Stories
NFL Podcast Episode 084: Thrilling Wonder Stories
Feb 17, 2024
Near Future Laboratory Podcast Episode 084 Thrilling Wonder Stories is a podcast that delves into the intersection of science, technology, and the arts. It features discussions on a wide range of topics including consciousness, film special effects, artificial intelligence, and science fiction. The podcast aims to explore futuristic ideas and...
podcastscience-fictiondesign fictiontalkvideopanel
A Design Fiction in the archetype of a print ad for a company that provides 100% human coding
The Thing Got a Human to Build a Thing
Feb 15, 2024
Read about the creation of an iPhone app that points users towards the center of the galaxy, highlighting the ease of technology use and development with AI tools. The post also discusses the impact of AI on traditional programming skills, including perspectives on the future of coding craftsmanship and the...
artificial intelligenceprogrammingfuture of workdesign fictionadvertisement
Electrical Schematic of a Basic Class-A Amplifier
W6 2024
Feb 14, 2024
The continuing journey to foster a community-driven creative renaissance through collaboration, coordination, and amplification. The new Token Ring Web Ring initiative leverages structured communication to promote cooperative work and envision more habitable future worlds.
Spark Podcast
How to set our imagination free to build the technological futures we want
Feb 12, 2024
Imagination is often dismissed as childish, or a frill. But it also lets us picture alternative futures, and technologies that haven't been invented yet. So how do we harness our imagination? And in an age where Big Tech promises to solve our problems for us, how do we use our...
imaginationartificial intelligencetechnology ethicsalternative futurespodcastaudiointerview
Global brand IKEA uses Design Fiction to help with its strategic decision making and product design.
Embracing Design Fiction: A Strategic Guide for Business Leaders
Feb 11, 2024
Discover how Design Fiction can transform your strategic planning, enabling CEOs and business executives to anticipate market trends, innovate, and lead with confidence in a dynamic business environment.
Design FictionStrategyInnovation
Cover Image for Near Future Laboratory Podcast Episode 083
Near Future Laboratory Podcast Episode 083 with Ruth Guerra
Feb 07, 2024
In this episode, I chat with the fun, creative, thoughtful Ruth Guerra, a design researcher with a knack for amplifying the questions about design, creativity, research and futures through a wonderful social media presence. We dive into her journey from a theater undergrad to mastering future design, where she champions...
podcastdesign research
Relax. The Bunker Is Safe.
W5 2024
Feb 04, 2024
A design fiction magazine from a possible AI future and podcasting with Radha Mistry and Nora Young
Header image for What Is Design Fiction video on Youtube
What is Design Fiction?
Feb 01, 2024
What is Design Fiction? Design Fiction uses sci-fi and design to create prototypes, envisioning future possibilities and their impacts. It helps organizations think beyond current trends, fostering a deeper understanding of potential technological and societal changes through tangible artifacts.
Design FictionMethodsvideo
A teardrop trailer used to immerse participants in a future mudane
The Future Mundane
Nov 23, 2023
This blog post examines the concept of the 'Future Mundane,' a design philosophy focusing on the practical, everyday aspects of future technologies rather than speculative, heroic, or overly idealized visions.
design fictionfuture mundaneeveryday futuresquotidian futures
This Image Is Not Helpful
W4 2024
Jan 28, 2024
Week Notes from the Near Future Laboratory including The Work Kit of Design Fiction, work on a Magazine from a Possible AI Future, reflections on how not to imagine the future of artificial intelligence, and what exactly is Design Fiction
This isn't a drawing of a cat
W3 of 2024
Jan 24, 2024
Metaverse Futures, Design Fiction, Tourism Futures, Center for Science and the Imagination, Workshop, AI Futures
Winning Formula — a newspaper we created from the future of sports
This Is Design Fiction. But This Is Not.
Jan 16, 2024
Design Fiction translates signals into tangible, meaningful artifacts. Artifacts. Not storyboards.
design fiction
It's a drawing of a cat.
Weeknotes: Week 2 of 2024
Jan 13, 2024
AI, Design Fiction, Annual Reports.
It's a drawing of a cat.
The Critical Function of Design Fiction
Jan 13, 2024
Design fiction creates artifacts, not speculations.
designdesign fictioncritical designspeculative design
Take it easy
In Clear Focus Podcast Part Two S13E11
Jan 02, 2024
Julian Bleecker explains the development of Design Fiction, a method he pioneered for imagining future scenarios through the creation of tangible artifacts. Julian discusses some of the ways the practice can help guide decision-making and its uses in strategy and communication. Julian invites listeners to explore this interdisciplinary approach through...
design fictionpodcastcreative strategymarketing
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In Clear Focus Podcast Part One S13E10
Dec 27, 2023
Julian Bleecker explains the development of Design Fiction, a method he pioneered for imagining future scenarios through the creation of tangible artifacts. Julian discusses some of the ways the practice can help guide decision-making and its uses in strategy and communication. Julian invites listeners to explore this interdisciplinary approach through...
Design Fictionpodcastmarketing
Broadcast from Later 46: Dad Band Futures
Dad Band Futures Fest: Broadcast from Later
Oct 03, 2023
Dad Band Futures Fest: Broadcast from Later 46
Monday Meeting Podcast Cover Image July 31 2023
Monday Meeting Podcast
Jul 31, 2023
This podcast episode with Julian Bleecker discusses design fiction, emphasizing speculative design's role in projecting future possibilities and its influence on current design practices, highlighting the relevance of visual creativity and the intersection with technology.
podcastcreativitycreative consciousness
A Deep Dive Into A Design Fiction Archetype
Apr 16, 2023
the design fiction archetype
design fictionarchetypetheorymagazine
A scene from the Bugs Bunny Cartoon 'Hare Brush' representing Structure
The Design Innovator's Design Dilemma
Apr 13, 2023
The relationship between Imagination in Structure can be antagonistic. How do we bring Imagination and Structure into collaboration rather than confrontation?
design fictionimaginationcreative consciousness
Near Future Laboratory Global HQ
The Futurists Podcast with Julian Bleecker
Apr 08, 2023
In this episode of 'The Futurists,' co-hosts Brett King and Rob Tercik discuss with Julian Bleecker, co-founder of Near Future Laboratory, his unique approach called 'Design Fiction.' They explore the imaginative process of depicting future scenarios through objects, advertisements, and everyday experiences, akin to archeological finds from the future. The...
podcastdesign fiction
Near Future Laboratory Global HQ
Design Fiction at UX Cork
Jul 06, 2024
design fiction ux cork
talkpresentationdesign fictionvideo
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What Is Design Fiction
Sep 28, 2022
Uncover the essence of Design Fiction and its profound impact on imagining future possibilities through objects. Dive into a thought-provoking discussion on how design fiction transcends traditional prose, offering a fresh perspective on envisioning the future. Discover our new book, 'The Manual of Design Fiction,' for a comprehensive guide on...
Design FictionInnovationManual of Design Fiction
An Email With Three Design Fiction Questions
Jul 06, 2022
Let's look at three questions about Design Fiction that often show up in my inbox.
creativitydesign fictioncreative consciousness
A diagram showing where Design Fiction sits in between imagination and structure
Where is Design Fiction?
Jul 04, 2022
where is design fiction
Design Fiction
5 simple complicated things to be considered
Mar 30, 2022
5 simple complicated things to be considered
fosbury flopimagination
An illustration of people doing the burpies exercise
Brain Burpies
Dec 07, 2021
Design Fiction
Two guys sitting in a small blue skiff
Blue Boat
Jul 12, 2021
blue boat
A photo of an ocean storm
A Strange Thing Happened
May 14, 2021
a strange thing happened
Take it easy
Design Fiction As The Epistemological Monkey Wrench
Apr 08, 2021
design fiction as the epistemological monkey
Take it easy
Cornell Box Futures
Feb 19, 2021
future mundane, design fiction, everyday familiar, futures design, strategic design
A still from Westworld Season 3 Episode 01
When Caleb Gets A Call
Jan 29, 2021
when caleb gets a call
filmtelevisionsci-fiartificial intelligenceWestworlddesign fiction
A fictional legal document implying legal action in an IP dispute
Commission File No 1923172
Jan 21, 2021
Design Fiction
design fictionalgorithmsarchetype
Take it easy
Unintended Use Cases The Unknown Knowns In Design
Dec 24, 2020
unintended use cases the unknown knowns in design
What's for breakfast in your future?
What's Breakfast Cereal Got To Do With The Future?
Dec 09, 2020
whats breakfast cereal got to do with the future
The future in the form of an email composer
Why Do Future Visions All Look Like Future Visions
Dec 09, 2020
why do future visions all look like future visions
Near Future Laboratory Global HQ
Stanford University CS547 Human-Computer Interaction Seminar Series
Jun 30, 2024
stanford cs547 human computer interaction seminar series
talklecturedesign fictionvideo
Near Future Laboratory Global HQ
Talking to the Future: Vice Magazine
Nov 18, 2011
While we're in the present, dribbling over our shiny new iWhatevers and being amazed that an espresso maker can shit out coffee just from seeing a picture of a bean, Julian Bleecker and his fellow technologists are busy fucking around in the near future. He’s co-founder of the Near Future...
design fictionart+technologyslow messengerinterview