Near Future Laboratory
Making your Mission-Critical Decisions Better through Imagination, Design, and a Futures Facing Perspective.
Imagination is your competitive advantage.
We help you imagine harder.
You want to make better decisions today so that tomorrow's products and services will be relevant, innovative, and meet the future needs of your customers.
Explore what we offer to help you
Humans are remarkably bad at acting on abstract futures, but remarkably good at responding to concrete stories. When you can hold tomorrow in your hands today, you will make different and better choices.
It's time to discuss what programs we can develop for your organization's needs.
Workshops, Summits & Webinars
Tech Concept Lab Team Design Sprint Future of Work Summit
Tech Concept Lab Team Design Sprint Ericsson AI Futures Workshop
Tech Concept Lab Team Design Sprint Design Fiction Masterclass
AIGA Design Fiction Keynote 2022 Keynotes & Talks
Google R+D Design Fiction Workshop Google R+D Design Fiction Workshop
Tech Concept Lab Team Design Sprint AI Design Fiction Summit
Product Team Ideation, Futures Design, Concept Prototyping, Brand Collabs
IKEA Catalog from the Future IKEA Catalog from the Future
ADM Future of Food Food Futures
A Design Fiction: A Newspaper from an AI Future Newspaper from an AI Future
Brain Dead Eno Collaboration Brain Dead x Near Future Laboratory
An image of an online Design Fiction workshop with student participants Hyperisland Design Fiction Sprint

Near Future Laboratory has collaborated with some of the world's most creative & forward-thinking strategy, arts, venture, product, brand, marketing, design & engineering teams working at the vanguard of the new, the imminent, and the not yet possible domains of human endeavors. We create for them evocative artifacts functional and speculative prototypes to help relate to and make sense of their strategic plans.

We've given keynotes globally and workshops far and wide about Design Fiction.

We've even brought our expertise with imagining possible futures to help out with a $100MM Hollywood film production.

We wrote The Manual of Design Fiction, an expansive and illustrative deep-dive into the practice. We've sold thousands and thousands of copies all around the world. We might just be onto something.

We've done all of this because even the most audacious and creative Fortune 50 organizations need a little help to unlock their greatness.

Are you ready to learn more?

Here's your next step: Schedule a call and lets book an event!.